Saturday 17 September 2011

Homemade Deck Clean Guide

Homemade Deck Clean Guide 2011 :  It is very easy to prepare this homemade deck cleaner. The material are TSP or trisodium phosphate warm water and a little amount of bleach. Bleach is necessary to remove microorganisms like algae and mildew, but make sure that you are using the household bleach and not the commercial one, which is very strong. TSP, which is in the form of a white-colored powder, has to be mixed with warm water and bleach to make the deck cleaning solution. Take two gallons of warm water and mix one to 1½ cup of TSP in it. Once the TSP has dissolved, add ½ cup of household bleach to this solution. This solution is good enough for heavy duty cleaning. Make sure to protect yourself by wearing goggle, mask, gloves and protective clothing as well as footwear, while mixing and using chemicals. The amount of bleach, if there is less algae growth.A  mild solution of one cup of TSP, two gallons of warm water and a very small amount of bleach. This solution is not found to be effective. If you are not in favor of using TSP or bleach, then you may try other homemade deck cleaner recipes that will be discussed later.