Thursday 21 July 2011

Washing Laminate Floors with Vinegar

Washing Laminate Floors with Vinegar 2011 :  Vinegar is multipurpose cleaning agent and it can easily get rid of tough stains from the floor. The best thing about washing laminate floors with vinegar is it does not affect the glossy finish of your laminate floor. Before washing laminate floors with vinegar, you need to vacuum the floors to get rid of dirt. After you have vacuumed and swept the dirt off the floor, you need to get hold of the ingredients and make the solution. For making a laminate floor cleaner at home, you will need white distilled vinegar. Add half a cup of distilled white vinegar to a bucket filled with a gallon of warm water.

You can also add a little rubbing alcohol to this mixture. This will help in getting rid of the ugly streaks on laminate floor.Small amounts of dish washing liquid to this solution. Mix all the ingredients. Dip an old towel in this homemade laminate floor cleaning solution and wring out all the excess water from it.